Lucine has many interests, appreciates creativity and everything handmade. Her role models have been her maternal grandmother Azniv Aslanian and her mother Marie. Lucine loves to learn and is a multi-tasker.
Listing here some of Lucine's websites and Blogs.
Fashion, Design and Creativity - Lucine used to create styleboards, however the platform she used changed to another business. Fashion, design and creativity is featured.
Luine created a special blog as tribute to one of her dearest colleague's son. Marie Myrtil's son. Marie had shared the eulogy by his brother, with Lucine. Lucine decided to publish it with Marie's permission. Maxime was a student in Baffelo and she didn't know who killed her beloved son. Marie used to stop by Lucine's office at the Information and Reference desk at Dag Hammarskjold Library's first floor at the United Nations. Sadly Marie passed away few years ago, Lucine is sure Marie died of heartbreak. (This blog Lucine originally created on Geocities, then transferred to Blogspot). Who remembers Geocities?